After this presentation, President Hilliard brought up several business items. The minutes from the February 26, 2012, were approved.
The Society’s financial status was also approved. According to the Treasurer’s Report, the Society began 2012 with a balance of $15,580.77, and ended the year with $14,143.99.
Sheila Fields, Research Chair, provided a report on the Boonville Jail Community Marker, for which there was a dedication ceremony held on September 28, 2012. During her remarks, she thanked members of the Duncum family for their wholehearted support of this project.
Her presentation was followed by a report on the status of Heritage Park by Stephanie and Randy Hilliard, Heritage Park Co-Chairs. Quite a few trees have been planted in accordance with the park’s master plan, but more will be needed.
Kyle Kovel, the Society’s Secretary, was called upon to provide a report from the Nominating Committee and to conduct the election of the 2013 officers. Mr. Kovel reported that the Nominating Committee had met and developed the following slate of officers:
Isabel McPartlin for Vice President;
Kyle Kovel for Secretary; and
Beverly Myers for Treasurer.
Mr. Kovel then asked for nominations from the floor; there were none, and a motion was made and seconded that the slate be approved by acclamation. This motion carried.
President Hilliard then offered some concluding remarks and invited everyone to stay for the reception and to avail themselves of a private viewing of the historic Astin family clothes exhibit.
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